Saturday, March 13, 2010

The official Ubuntu 10.04 splash screen recorded.

If you have Ubuntu 10.04 up-to-date you now have by default the new Ubuntu 10.04 splash screen. Because of some errors (again), the splash screen will be displayed for a little period of time, but it's enough to see Ubuntu's new face, which is much nicer than the previous one. About it's new theme you can read more by clicking here.

Below is a recording with Ubuntu's splash and shut down screen (recorded with iPhone, sorry for low quality)


  1. The latest ubuntu updates on lucid lynx have broken the install on my Dell D610. The system just hangs on the boot screen. Is that also the case for you?

  2. Nope, as you can see in the video, on my Dell D610 it works perfectly. Eventually, recover your data with a bootable CD of Ubuntu and then try a fresh install with the daily build from here: or try to install from the latest CD you have and give it a full upgrade. (this is what I recommend you) Good luck!

  3. Hello there I was just wondering if it is possible for us to just customize the xsplash on ubuntu lucid lynx

  4. @fraize: Hi there. I want to inform you that Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx is not using anymore Xsplash by default. It has been replaced (or at least, is going to be in the final release) with Plymouth. However, I'm quite sure that you can manually change Plymouth with Xsplash, so as an answer to your question, I would say yes.
    I'm sure that Google can help you here. Good luck!

  5. Does anyone know how to change the splash screen? I'm a newbie :)
